Todoist add in for outlook
Todoist add in for outlook

There is a solution, however: use an external system.

todoist add in for outlook

If you let all this information swirl around in your head, you’ll end up stressed and frantic.

todoist add in for outlook

Whether you’re a student or a professional, it can be tricky to stay on top of all the things you have to do. Start Crossing Items Off Your To-Do List.I suspect it's just another way for Microsoft to try to steer users to online services. Okay, as much as I'm disappointed about the Outlook/Todoist integration getting neutered to the point of being useless, I probably shouldn't blame Todoist for it. So if you don't care about linking to the original message, the addin works fine, but in this case, why do I need an addin and don't just keep a Todoist window open? And if you care, you're stuck in O365 online hell and more often than not an empty window because your message has moved (yes, O365 will not even throw and error message). The only workarounds are either to leave everything in your inbox (yeah, I always wanted thousands of messages in my inbox!) or to first move the message, then create the Todoist task, then go back to your inbox for the next message to process (cool, a bunch of extra clicks, to keep my mouse busy!). With the old addin it would find it even though I moved the original message to an archive or other folder. Because the web client won't be able to find it anymore. To add insult to injury, heaven forbid you actually moved the task to a different folder.Whenever you click on the link to the message, Todoist now opens the web client instead of local Outlook! There's a reason I have local Outlook, so using the web client is a pain in the rear end.Now, this may not be an issue for your workflow, but mine used to be that if I saw a message I wanted to convert to a task, I used the plugin to create Task from Email, and it embedded a link to that message as part of the task. Not sure if it's any solace but after recent changes to the outlook client and the Office 365 mail environment, the outlook addin for todoist has become almost useless, in my opinion.

Todoist add in for outlook